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South African Wetland Society
Excellence, Professionalism and Ethics in the Wetland Community of Practice of South Africa
Excellence, Professionalism and Ethics in the Wetland Community of Practice of South Africa
As a member of the Society you will enjoy, amongst others, the following benefits.
Become a Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) international member for the period of your Society membership.
Claim CPD points for being a member, and for attending the AGM and other events.
Qualify for a discounted rate to attend the annual National Wetlands Indaba.
Receive access to the journal “Wetlands” as a Premium Member.
Free access to the Society’s Roundtable Discussions and Webinars.
Chairperson and ManCo
Western Cape
On behalf of the Board of Trustees I would like to welcome you to the South African Wetland Society.
Our Objectives are detailed, diverse and challenging and should give you an indication of what the Society aims to achieve. In this regard, the Society is governed by its Constitution and Codes of Practice.
It is important to remember that in order for this Society to be a success it will require the effort of people on a voluntary basis. The Board of Trustees would therefore like to ask the South African wetland community to make every effort to assist where they can in this venture. To this end please use the Get In Touch page to make your contributions to the Society.
We look forward to your involvement, so sign up and Join Today and play an active role in the Society and wetland management of South Africa.
Composed by Kate Snaddon, Indaba 2022.
Resident Poet
Western Cape
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. We have spoken about compliance. Of the carrot, and the stick. Take your pick (or auger).
We’ve spoken of rehabilitation, restoration. We are a nation of wetland warriors, wetland managers, wetland lovers.
We are first generation, second generation, third generation and fourth. A nation of wetland warriors.
So, it’s time to find your voice. Make the right choice. When asked to decide, step aside. Give the wetland more room, more space. To filter, store, ameliorate, regenerate, attenuate.
Stick your finger in the dyke, pick up the mike and say “Healthy wetlands make healthy people, Wise people make healthy wetlands”.
The Society is governed by its Constitution and Codes of Practice.
Society members shall abide by and act in accordance with the Constitution of the Society.
Society members shall abide by and act in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the Society.
Society members shall abide by and act in accordance with the Code of Science of the Society.